CATRINA – Courage AcTivation Research and INfluencing factors for taking Action – examines to what extent moral courage and moral courage behavior are influenced by gender and diversity-specific aspects and to what degree persuasive gaming concepts can influence moral courage behavior. Using game-based investigation methods in different contexts (hybrid board games, virtual reality and urban games), we will identify relevant factors and specific use cases for such persuasive technologies and explore the potential for effective game concepts. We believe these games will facilitate increased awareness and can potentially stimulate a change in behavior.
The project results serve to reappraise the scientific discourse on gender and diversity factors and moral courage. The transfer of knowledge can then be applied to moral courage training activities and utilized in measures to encourage moral courage on a national and international level. We expect that the application of a playful research approach can reach target groups that are more critical of current training methods or difficult to reach because they are indifferent to the topic.
The developed virtual reality game simulates an immersive scenario in the virtual world with several possible paths. By putting on a VR headset, players enter a world where they can experience a situation where exposing moral courage behavior is essential. The game provides the player with multiple ways to act in a safe environment.
The game was developed for the Oculus Quest 2. It uses modern hand-tracking and gaze interaction and does not require VR controllers.
- Wolfgang Hochleitner (project leader)
- Jeremiah Diephuis
- Georgi Kostov
- Gabriel Mittermair
- Huoston Rodrigues Batista
Project Partners
- AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
- ZIMD – Zentrum für Interaktion, Medien & soziale Diversität
- Rudy Games
- City Games Vienna
- SOS Menschenrechte